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Literatur zum Thema Segregation im Bereich Schule

Beuchling, Olaf:

Zwischen Payos und Gitanos
Eine Studie zur ethnischen Bildungsungleichheit in Spanien
Münster u.a. 2010

Forray, Katalin E./ Kozma Tamas:

Social Equality vs. Cultural Identity: Government policies of the Gypsy/Roma education in selected East-Central European states
Paper for the 14th World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Bogazici University
(Istanbul, Turkey), 14-18 June, 2010
(Istanbul) 2010
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Greenberg, Jack:

Report on Roma education today: from slavery to segregation and beyond
In: Columbia Law Review, vol.110, no.4 (May 2010), S.919-1001
New York
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Mihajlovic, Milena/ McDonald, Christina (eds.):

Roma Children in „Special Education“ in Serbia: overrepresentation, underachievement, and impact on life
Research on schools and classes for children with developmental difficulties
hrsg. von: Open Society Institute
Budapest 2010
<im Internet: a-20101019.pdf>

O’Nions, Helen:

Different and unequal: the educational segregation of Roma pupils in Europe
In: Intercultural Education, vol.21, no.1 (Febr. 2010), S.1-13
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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Robbins, Daniel Louis:

Where Law Ends and Reality Begins: Limits of Successful Litigation in Desegregating Schools in then United States, Czech Republic and Hungary
Budapest 2010 (Magisterarbeit, Central European University)
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Földesi, Éva:

Critical analysis of school integration of Roma children in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Budapest 2009 (Magisterarbeit, Central European University)
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Leichsering, Tatjana:

Sprachliche und kulturelle Diversität in Schulen – Reflexionen zu einem Modellprojekt in Frankfurt am Main
In: Europa Ethnica, 65.Jg., H.1/2 (2009), S.43-51

Luciak, Mikael/ Liegl, Barbara:

Fostering Roma students‘ educational inclusion: a missing part in teacher education
In: International Education, vol.20, no.6 (Dec. 2009), S.497-509
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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Niederle, Arno:

Die Situation der Roma in Ungarn – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bildungspolitik
Wien 2009 (Diplomarbeit Universität Wien)
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Niedobitek, Matthias:

Der „Ostrava-Fall“ des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte
Konventions- und gemeinschaftsrechtliche Überlegungen zur Diskriminierung von Roma-Kindern
im Bildungswesen
In: Europa Ethnica, 65.Jg., H.1/2 (2009), S.31-42

Rainer, Christian:

Ethnische Disproportionalität im segregierten Schulsetting Österreichs
Wien 2009 (Diplomarbeit Universität Wien)
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Symeou, Loizos/ Karagiorgi, Yiasemina/ Roussounidou, Eleni/ Kaloyirou, Chrystalla:

Roma and their education in Cyprus: reflections on INSETRom teacher training for Roma inclusion
In: Intercultural Education, vol.20, no.6, (Dec. 2009), S.511-521
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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Bačlija, Irena:

“Positive Discrimination” Policies for Inclusion of Europe’s Largest Minority: Examples of Educational Policies for the Roma Minority in Europe
In: Politička misao, vol.45, no.5 (2008), S.175-189
<im Internet:>

Eisenhut, Marion:

Zum Rückgang von RomaschülerInnen an Sonderschulen im Burgenland – anhand des Fallbeispiels Oberwart
Wien 2008 (Diplomarbeit Universität Wien)
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Farkas, Lilla:

Segregation von Roma-Kindern in der Ausbildung
Mit der Richtlinie zur Gleichbehandlung ohne Unterschied der Rasse gegen strukturelle Diskrimi-
nierung angehen
hrsg. von: Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Chancengleich-heit, Referat G.2
Luxemburg 2008
<im Internet: /Roma_children_edu_de.pdf>

Marx, Joyce:

Projects of Mediators to Improve the Relation between Roma and Sinti & Secondary Education
Maastricht 2008 (Magisterarbeit, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences)
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Messing, Vera:

Good practices addressing school integration of Roma/ Gypsy children in Hungary
In: Intercultural Education, vol.19, no.5 (Oct. 2008), S.461-473
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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Szemesi, Sándor:

From Hajdúhadház to Strasbourg: Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, with special regard to Roma educational cases
In: Miskolc Journal of International Law, vol.5, no.2 (2008), S.64-72
Miskolc (Ungarn)
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Danova-Roussinova, Savelina/ Egenberger, Vera (eds.):

The Impact of Legislation and Policies on School Segregation of Romani Children
A Study of Anti-Discrimination Law and Government Measures to Eliminate Segregation in Edu-
cation in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia
hrsg. von: European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)
Budapest 2007
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Kyuchukov, Hristo:

Good practices in Roma education in Bulgaria during the years of transition
In: Intercultural Education, vol.18, no.1 (March 2007), S.29-39
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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Bečirević, Majda:

Inclusion of Roma Children in B&H Education: Principal Challenges and Solutions
o.O., o.J [ca. 2006] <im Internet: _eng.pdf>

Caritas Ambrosiana Milan; EU Commission; DG Education & Culture u.a. (ed.):

Roma: A Possible Integration
Pathways for the social and educational integration of young Roma
(Reihe: STEP IN – Studying Training and Educational paths for the Integration of young Roma)

Monza (Italien) 2006

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Council of Europe (ed.):

Education of Roma children in Europe
Texts and activities of the Council of Europe concerning education
Strasbourg 2006

<im Internet: N.pdf>

European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) (ed.):

Roma and Travellers in Public Education
An overview of the situation in the EU Member States
Wien 2006
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Kyuchukov, Hristo:

Desegregation of Roma Schools in Bulgaria
hrsg. von: C.E.G.A – Creating Effective Grassroots Alternatives Foundation
Sofia 2006
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Labowitz, Keevan:

Education for Survival: Roma and Hopes for the Future
hrsg. von: SIT (School for International Training) Graduate Institute/ SIT Study Abroad
Brattleboro/ Vermont 2006
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Riedemann, Inga:

Schulische und sozialpädagogische Betreuungsangebote für Roma-Kinder aus Flüchtlingsfamilien in Köln
Köln 2006 (unveröffentl. Diplomarbeit Fachhochschule Köln)

Trentin, Rosanna/ Monaci, Maria G./ Lumè, Filomena De/ Zanon, Ombretta:

Scholastic Integration of Gypsies in Italy: Teachers‘ Attitudes and Experience
In: School Psychology International, vol.27, no.1 (2006), S.79-103
<im Internet:>

Ion, Daniela:

Educational Alternatives in Communities with predominantly Roma Population in Romania
In: Susanne Binder/ Mikael Luciak (Hrsg.): „Intercultural Education“ – Beiträge zum Workshop „Intercultural Education“ im Rahmen der INST-Konferenz „Das Verbindende der Kulturen“ vom 7. bis 9.November 2003, Austria Center Wien (Austrian Sudies in Anthropology, Sondernr.1), S.26-31
Wien 2005
<im Internet: erculturalEducation.pdf>

Padfield, Pauline:

Inclusive educational approaches for Gypsy/ Traveller pupils and their families: an ‘urgent need for progress’?
In: Scottish Educational Review, vol.37, no.2 (2005), S.127-144
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Salner, Andrej (ed.):

Roma Children in the Slovak Education System
hrsg. von: Slovak Governance Institute
Bratislava 2005

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Völlmecke, Klaus:

Sozialpädagogische und schulische Hilfen für Roma-Flüchtlingsfamilien
In: Max Matter (Hrsg.): Die Situation der Roma und Sinti nach der EU-Osterweiterung, hrsg. von: Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V., S.127-136
Göttingen 2005

Danova-Russinova, Savelina:

Segregated Schooling of Roma in Central and Eastern Europe
Hrsg. von: Claude Cahn/ Dimitrina Petrova, European Roma Rights Center (ERRC)
Budapest 2004
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McDonald, Christina:

The education of Roma children: inroads to good practice, the REI example
hrsg. von: EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program (EUMAP)
o.O. [Budapest] 2004
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Mihok, Brigitte:

Ausgrenzung und Bildungssegregation
Roma in Ostmitteleuropa
In: Osteuropa, 54.Jg., H.1 (2004), S.28-42

Sleeper, Maxine/ Rekosh, Edwin (ed.):

Separate and Unequal
Combating Discrimination against Roma in Education
A Source Book
hrsg. von: Public Interest Law Initiative, Columbia University Budapest Law Center
Budapest 2004

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Ernst, Sabine/ Caldaras, Eleonora:

Die Kindertagesstätte „Schaworalle“ in Frankfurt am Main
In: People on the Move, vol.35, suppl. no.93 (Dec. 2003), S.233-237

Learning and Teaching Scotland (ed.):

Inclusive Educational Approaches for Gypsies and Travellers within the context of interrupted learning
Guidance for Local Authorities and Schools
(Reihe: STEP – Scottish Traveller Education Programme)
Dundee; Glasgow 2003

<im Internet: dance.pdf>

Reynolds, Margaret/ McCartan, Dermot/ Knipe, Damian:

Traveller Culture and Lifestyle as Factors Influencing Children’s Integration into Mainstream Secondary Schools in West Belfast
In: British Journal of Inclusive Education, vol.7, no.4 (Oct.-Dec. 2003), S.403-414
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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Blum, Eva Maria/ Ernst, Sabine/ Sommer, Mone (Schlußredaktion):

„Dawen bachtale“
„Herzlich willkommen“
Zu Fragen der schulischen Integration von Romakindern
hrsg. von: Der Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Amt für kulturellen Angelegenheiten; Auf-nahme- und Beratungszentrum für Seiteneinsteiger; Förderverein Roma e.V.
Frankfurt/ M. 2002

Danova, Savelina (Rapporteur)/

Kramer, William (ed.)

Conference Report: “The Desegregation of ‚Romani Schools‘ – A Condition for an Equal Start for Roma”, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 27, 2001
hrsg. von: European Roma Rights Center; Open Society Institute, Roma Participation Program
o.O. [Budapest] 2001
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Jordan, Elizabeth:

Exclusion of Travellers in State Schools
In: Educational Research, vol.43, no.2 (Summer 2001), S.117-132
<im Internet: clusion.html>

Orsos, Eva Hegyesi/ Bóhn, Katalin/ Fleck, Gábor/ Imre, Anna:

Alternative Schools and Roma Education:
A Review of Alternative Secondary School Models for the Education of Roma Children in Hungary
hrsg. von: World Bank Regional Office Hungary
Ringold, Dena/ Lindstrom, Nicole (eds. der engl. Version)
(World Bank Regional Office Hungary, NGO Studies no.3)
Budapest (?) 2001
<im Internet:>

Rona, Susan/ Lee, Linda E.:

School Success for Roma Children
Step by Step Special Schools Initiative Interim Report
hrsg. von: Open Society Institute; International Step by Step Association
New York 2001

<im Internet:>

Surdu, Mihai:

Desegregating Roma schools: a cost-benefit-analysys
o.O. o.J. [zwischen 2001 und 2009] <im Internet:>

Bhopal, Kalwant/ Gundara, Jagdish/ Jones, Crispin/ Owen, Charlie:

Working towards Inclusive Education: Aspects of Good Practice for Gypsy Traveller Children
hrsg. von: Department for Education and Employment
(Research Report no.238)
(London) 2000
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Kyuchukov, Hristo:

Transformative education for Roma (Gypsy) children: an insider’s view
In: Intercultural Education, vol.11, no.3 (2000), S.273-280
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
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Driel, Barry van:

The Gandhi Secondary School: an experiment in Roma education
In: European Journal of Intercultural Studies [ab 2000: Intercultural Education], vol.10, no.2 (1999), S.173-182
<im Internet:>

Gomes, Ana Maria:

Gypsy Children and the Italian School System: a closer look
In: European Journal of Intercultural Studies [ab 2000: Intercultural Education], vol.10, no.2 (1999), S.163-172
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Liégeois, Jean-Pierre:

Die schulische Betreuung ethnischer Minderheiten: Das Beispiel der Sinti und Roma.
hrsg. von: Centre de recherches tsiganes
(Reihe Interface)
Berlin 1999

McDonald, Christina:

Roma in the Romanian Educational System: barriers and leaps of faith
In: European Journal of Intercultural Studies [ab 2000: International Education], vol.19, no.2 (1999), S.183-200
<im Internet:>

Perez Dominguez, Servando:

Teachers‘ Attitudes about the Integration of Roma: the case of Spain
In: European Journal of Intercultural Studies [ab 2000: Intercultural Education], vol.10, no.2 (1999), S.219-231
<im Internet:>

Lloyd, Gwynedd/ Norris, Claire:

From Difference to Deviance: the Exclusion of Gypsy-Traveller Children from School in Scotland
In: International Journal of Inclusive Education, vol.2, no.4 (1998), S.359-369
London u.a.
<im Internet: clusion.html>

Wurr, Rüdiger/ Träbing-Butzmann, Sylvia:


Widerstände und Perspektiven der schulischen Emanzipation deutscher Sinti

Kiel 1998

Smith, Tracy:

Recognising Difference: The Romani ‚Gypsy‘ Child Socialisation and Education Process

In: British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol.18, no.2 (1997), S.243-256

Abingdon, Oxfordshire

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Truchseß, Christoph von:

Überlegungen zur integrativen Beschulung von Rom- und Cinti-Kindern in Hamburg

In: Helmut Heyse/ Heiner Wichterich (Hrsg.): Alte Schule – neue Medien. Berichte aus Schulpsy-chologie und Bildungsberatung. Kongreßbericht der 8.Bundeskonferenz 1987 in Soest, S.284-291

Bonn 1988